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October Virtual Chapter Meeting.

  • October 14, 2020
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Virtual Meeting


  • No charge for this meeting for Chapter Members
  • Members of a NH HR Affiliate Chapter may attend free of charge.
  • $15 fee for meeting for Non Chapter Members. Register online or at meeting event check in table.

Registration is closed

Registration Information:

Please register for Mental Health and the Current Pandemic on Oct 14, 2020 7:59 AM EDT at: []

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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Mental Health and the Current Pandemic 

Session Overview 


This presentation will examine the possible impact of the COVID 19 public health crisis on a person’s mental health.   Participants will know more about the influence of toxic stress, isolation, and unemployment can have on a person’s coping and resilience.  We’ll take a close look at ways people can support their own mental health but also at potential warning signs of the presence of mental illness.   Participants will also consider simple ways that HR professionals can assist someone who is experiencing a mental health challenge.

Participants will learn:

  • How the current public health emergency may have more than physical health consequences on the public especially if stress magnifies existing mental health conditions.
  • That mental health self-care is a valuable protective factor against developing mental illness.
  • How assistance from managers, supervisors and co-workers can be helpful in helping someone address the warning signs of mental illness.


 Phil Wyzik

Since June 2012,   Phil Wyzik has been the CEO of Monadnock Family Services, the designated community mental health center in the greater Cheshire County.  Prior to this, he was the President and CEO of the Mental Health Association of Connecticut.  He also worked for 17 yrs as VP of Operations for West Central Behavioral Health in Lebanon.

Beginning his mental health career in 1986, he has previous professional experience as an therapist, addiction counselor, teacher,  and religious education coordinator.  He has been a certified trainer for Adult and Youth Mental Health First Aid and for the Signs of Suicide Prevention program for Jr and Sr high grades.

He is on the Executive committee of the Leadership Council for a Healthy Monadnock and has collaborated in the publishing of 10 professional journal articles and published numerous Op Ed articles in Regional newspapers.  He has completed 15 presentations at mental health conferences in the US.

He received his Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology in 1984 from Assumption College in Worcester MA and has been a lecturer at Granite State College from 2001 to 2010.  He has taught online courses in health care finance, health care ethics, and quality improvement.  Current volunteer activities include membership in the Keene Elm City Rotary, and with his therapy dog Buddy, at the Cheshire Medical Center.

Meeting Sponsor    

FirstLight, headquartered in Albany, New York, provides fiber-optic data, Internet, data center, cloud and voice services to enterprise and carrier customers throughout the Northeast and mid-Atlantic connecting more than 9,000 locations in service with more than 30,000 locations serviceable by our more than 20,000-route mile network.

FirstLight offers a robust suite of advanced telecommunications products featuring a comprehensive portfolio of high bandwidth connectivity solutions including Ethernet, wavelength and dark fiber services as well as dedicated Internet access solutions, data center, cloud and voice services.

FirstLight’s clientele includes national cellular providers and wireline carriers and many leading enterprises, spanning high tech manufacturing and research, hospitals and healthcare, banking and financial, secondary education, colleges and universities, and local and state governments.


Credit Hours

·        Greater Monadnock SHRM is certified by SHRM as a Preferred Provider to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP, and this program has been registered for 1 PDC in the SHRM Body of Competency & Knowledge™ (SHRM BoCK™).

·        Programs are submitted for 1 General HR Credit Hour toward PHR, SPHR, and GPHR certification through the Human Resources Certification Institute.

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Greater Monadnock SHRM Chapter #683
P.O. Box 1817
Keene, NH 03431

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