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April Chapter Meeting - Leading Change & Driving Culture Through H2H: Human to Human, Heart to Heart

  • April 17, 2024
  • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM (EDT)
  • Best Western. 401 Winchester St, Keene, NH 03431


  • Requires registration code
  • Members of:
    Manchester Area HR Assn.,
    Seacoast Area Assn.,
    HR Assn. of Greater Concord,
    Greater Nashua Area HR Assn.,

Registration is closed

Please note- this Chapter meeting will be on the THIRD Wednesday  (April 17th) - due to the Granite State HR Conference on April 10/11th.

Leading Change & Driving Culture Through H2H: Human to Human, Heart to Heart

8:00am-8:30am: Registration/networking. Meeting 8:30am -10:00am

Join us after the meeting for a post meeting discussion! Want to suggest a topic? Email info@monadnock.shrm or use our new forum:

Session Overview 

  • Employees are both tasked and burdened with processes, requirements, requests, and an increasing workload often tied to staffing shortages or underperforming team members
  • How does H2H impact our ability to navigate through change while driving a high performing culture that demonstrates appreciation and gratitude?
  • Discuss how to “self- identify” those tools that need to be added or sharpened in your personal toolbox and how to help colleagues/employees sharpen their H2H tools

    Speaker Bio: 

    Barabara Marchetti

    Barbara brings over 25 years of experience impacting the executive infrastructure of companies, both private and public, through her business C-suite Corp, which provides consulting/training and retained search. An internationally known business strategist, trainer and public speaker, she has helped thousands of executives hire and develop talent. Barbara received her B.A. from Colby College and completed her master’s studies in Business Management from Lesley College. Her current board positions include serving as Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees for Austin Preparatory School, a private, independent school serving students in grades 6-12 and the Board Chair for One Family Scholars, a comprehensive college scholarship program that breaks the cycle of poverty and family homelessness for low-income single parents. She also serves as Co-Chair for NHTA Workforce Development Committee. A native of Andover, MA, Barbara resides in southern New Hampshire with her husband.

     Meeting Sponsor  



    Credit Hours

    ·        Greater Monadnock SHRM is certified by SHRM as a Preferred Provider to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP, and this program has been registered for 1 PDC in the SHRM Body of Competency & Knowledge™ (SHRM BoCK™).

    ·        Programs are submitted for 1 General HR Credit Hour toward PHR, SPHR, and GPHR certification through the Human Resources Certification Institute.

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    Greater Monadnock SHRM Chapter #683
    P.O. Box 1817
    Keene, NH 03431

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